Hours Required"); text=(text +"
"); text=(text+"
"); text=(text+"
"); text=(text+"System1:
Special Info:
Dept Data:
Setup/Debugging:"); text=(text+"
"); text=(text+""+sys1_print+"
"); text=(text+""+spec_print+"
"+setup_print); text=(text+"

"); text=(text+"Total Hours:"+"       "+T_Cost); text=(text+"

If this amount is less than your manual hours,
proceed to program request form.
To print or save, choose from FILE on Menu Bar.
"); text=(text+""); msgWindow=window.open("","displayWindow","toolbar=no,width=425,height=380,directories=no,status=yes,scrollbars=yes,resize=no,menubar=yes") msgWindow.document.write(text) msgWindow.document.close() }

On-line Cost Savings Calculator
Manually Collecting Data vs Program Request

This now has all the bugs worked out and is functioning correctly Please provide feedback/comments
System 1 - HRS REQ'D:

System 2 - HRS REQ'D:

System 3 - HRS REQ'D:

Special Items - HRS REQ'D:

Dept Data - HRS REQ'D:

Setup/Merge - HRS REQ'D:

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